Fees for High Emission Vehicles

Electric Vehicle Imports

Electric Cars are Sparking Interest

The rise of fuel prices has led to massive increase in interest in electric and hybrid cars in New Zealand. Plus newly announced rebates on low CO2 emitting vehicles is making it even more attractive for people to consider importing their electric/hybrid vehicles to New Zealand.  

From 1 April 2022 the NZ government is introducing a new scheme to encourage people to switch from petrol/diesel fuelled vehicles to electric/hybrid.


How Does it Work?

The good news is people importing electric/hybrid cars will be eligible to receive a rebate from the government following first registration in New Zealand. But there’s bad news for people importing more thirsty petrol/diesel vehicles. They will be hit with a fee upon first registration in NZ. 
The size of the rebate/fee is determined by the level of CO2 a vehicle emits. A zero emission vehicle can get the maximum rebate, and big CO2 emitters will get stung with the maximum fee. Brand new new vehicles have higher rebates/fees than used vehicles. Since we mostly only ship used cars, the maximum rebate can be NZ$3450, and the maximum fee can be NZ$2875.


Go to the Source

While this is clear good news for people importing electric/hybrid cars, and not so good news for people importing petro/diesel vehicles we encourage all those considering importing a vehicle to NZ to check the government website for full details.
