Thinking of Moving Home? You’re not Alone

Thinking of Moving Home? You’re not Alone

Kiwis love to throw on a backpack and get out there and see the world. But we also love coming home. We know we are lucky to return to a quality lifestyle, good economic opportunities, safety and freedom.

For those of us who have lived abroad the temptation to drift off into a romantic daydream of our homecountry is a great one – especially when stuck on the underground tube or when battling through a foreign language.

Travel broadens your perspective, gives you a story or two to tell and enriches your life. But isn’t it funny how patriotic you can become through these amazing experiences?

In a recent Elite Daily column, Manon De Heus talks about how living abroad is the loneliest, most alienating and most guilt-ridden thing one can do. In her rather pessimistic outlook she outlines 5 things that are bound to happen if you leave your home behind:

  1. Your loved ones will be devastated
  2. You’ll feel guilty all the time
  3. You’ll feel really, really lonely
  4. You won’t fit in anymore
  5. You’ll loose dear friends

Despite the dramatic tone, some of what Manon outlines is a reality in moving abroad – like loosing touch with dear friends, although you do have the opportunity to make new friends and move among new and exciting social circles.

Perhaps it’s for these reasons that moving abroad, and travel in general, is best enjoyed when you know you have a return ticket in your back pocket. In many ways it’s the best of both worlds.

Whether you’re on a gap year backpacking across Latin America or on an OE traipsing around Europe going from one part time job to the next – the safety net of a return ticket home is there to catch all of your lonely moments and falls, your awkward inability to fit in with the locals and reassures your parents that you do wish to be a part of their lives in the future!

So if you’re thinking of moving home, and you literally have a container full of things to ship home – feel free to get a quote at Conroy, we’ll happily move your things from A to B, with no fuss, hassle or stress.
